Oral Health

Dentists Voice Concerns About the Canadian Dental Care Plan


The presidents of Canadian dental associations sent a letter to Parliament expressing their concerns regarding the upcoming Canadian Dental Care Plan.

Canadian dentists feel they are in the dark due to the lack of information that has been provided to them about the plan. They have been asking how the government plans to safeguard the existing provincial and employer-provided dental coverage.

Financial Post summarized some other questions from the letter:

  • Ensure minimal, efficient administration that promotes timely access to care?
  • Respect the costs of delivering dental care to maximize provider participation?
  • Increase the number of dental assistants and dental hygienists to meet the demands of the CDCP?

As the ones expected to deliver the services promised by the federal government, dentists are concerned by the lack of consultations with dentists throughout the process of the plan’s development.

Read more on this story from Financial Post.

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