Oral Health

Canadian Dental Fee Guides Updated with Record-high Increases

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The Globe and Mail recently reported on the rise of dental costs for Canadians due to the recent increases to dental fee guides across the country. Many factors have led to these increases such as inflation, staffing demands, and increased need for PPE.

They found the average annual fee increase ranged from 5 to 10 percent. ACDQ, Quebec’s dental association, was found to have the highest increase at 9.8 percent. Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador had average increases of 8.5 percent.

This is quite a jump from 2017 to 2021 when the fee increases ranged from 1 to 5 percent each year.

“Cary Chan, senior manager of corporate communications and public affairs at the B.C. Dental Association (BCDA), said in an e-mail that it’s important to note that suggested increases are just that – suggestions. Dentists can decide whether to apply some or all of the increases based on the realities of their practices,” reported the Globe and Mail.

Read more about this story from the Globe and Mail.

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